Variable products in WooCommerce

Products with variants allow for the creation of items with different properties. For example, within a single product, you can create color and size variants, perfect for selling clothing. By configuring individual variants as physical or virtual, you can sell items like music in both CD and MP3 downloadable formats.

Creating a Product with Variants in WooCommerce

To create a product with variants, go to Products → Add Product. The basic setup is similar to that of simple products.

After entering basic product information, navigate to the Product Data section. Here, from the dropdown menu, select the option ‘Variable product.’

Adding Attributes for the Product

Once you choose the Variations tab in the sidebar, you’ll see a prompt to configure attributes for this product.

Go to the Attributes tab and select an existing attribute or create a new one by clicking on ‘Add.’ After this step, you’ll have the following configuration options:

Enter a name and variants (separated by a vertical bar “|”). For example, Green | Blue | Red.

Then, make sure to check that the attributes are visible not only on the product page but also for the variants. Confirm the entered data by clicking ‘Save Attributes.’ You can add multiple attributes for variants. In addition to the color used in the example, you can also add size or type (e.g., men’s/women’s shirt).

Variant Configuration

Now, move to the Variations tab. You can automatically generate variations from all attributes or add them individually. We’ll use the ‘Create variations from all attributes’ option to generate all possible variants. After this step, the variants will be created.

Default variant – optionally, choose which variant will be pre-selected on the product page. The customer will see this variant first when entering the product page.

Configuring each variant is similar to setting up a simple product. You can assign an image, SKU, sizes, price, promotions, shipping class, and even tax. At the variant level, you can also specify whether it’s a virtual and/or downloadable variant. Check how to configure basic product settings → Be sure to enter the variant’s price so that it appears on the product page.

Product with Variants in the Store

The result in the store will look like this: